The first picrure was taken before Anj left for the States. We met up in Rockwell for one of the very few times we all manage to get together.
Front: Jen, Mons, Nico, Mon
2nd row: Mae, Jeland, Iyos, Lenny
3rd row: Titit, Bri, Impe, A.J., ME. Can't make out the other people...
Second and third are from my college grad.
I miss college. Ngangi, Lorraine and I were at the Gesu earlier. I just sat there like a fool reminiscing on how much fun I had in college. Lorraine doesn't share my nostalgia though. SHE wishes she'd gone to La Salle instead. Says most of her friends are there. Yeah, it IS tough not knowing anybody. The only people from MY batch who went to Ateneo were Sands, Jenna and myself, and we were in different blocks. Sands was in LM, Jenna was in SoS, I was in Philo. I didn't know anybody in Eliazo. I knew JR Manguiat from Cervini, but we were only acquainted because of Bulik (school paper) work in high school. But I survived, and I had a grand time. Things just kept getting better, and more interesting. College saw me through some PRETTTTY interesting moments, the most embarrassing of which involved Chicharitos, a 750ml bottle of El Hombre Tequila and my college roommates... Go figure.
I don't remember ever being bored those 4 years I spent in Ateneo and in Eliazo. If anything, I could have begged off from life a bit. And grad, my god. Man, it flooded talaga! I'm not kidding. All my pictures from after the ceremony show a bunch of puffy-eyed twenty-somethings in blue togas forcing smiles after having cried so much our eyes hurt.
Aside from Chi, who of course I still live with, Sands (who happens to be my neighbor), Nico, Jen, Mon and Judy, I rarely see any of those people who made the 16th to 20th years of my life so interesting. I still go to mass in Ateneo though. A lot of them are in Ateneo law. Some are working. Some are travelling around the world. And some went back to their respective provinces to take over family businesses and the like. We try to keep in touch, but it's not the same. And I have law school to contend with even in my dreams. Hay. I miss Ateneo.