Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I officially gave up trying to be friends with someone today. I still can’t quite figure out what went wrong and where. That, ladies and gents, is what I get for trying to be nice. I guess we’ve just grown apart so much that whatever we have left in common neither of us can stretch far enough to justify friendship. I always thought we were better than that. ‘Guess not. While we may always run in similar circles, we’ve become too different, and too set in our ways, i.e. stubborn, to even consider budging from our little niches. Oh well. C’est la vie. And yes, that cancels all present and future plans.

Monday, August 22, 2011


At the height of our World Cup insanity last year, we decided to sign up for Spanish classes at the Instituto Cervantes de Manila. A week into Nivel 1 Spanish, and stuck in horrendous Mandaluyong traffic, A and I tried flexing our VERY LIMITED vocabulary, and with N's (and an English-Spanish dictionary's) help, managed to formulate the following sentences:

(1) Quiero otra dia y para siempre contigo.(Variation: Quiero maƱana y para siempre contigo.)

(2) Somos turistas Filipinas. Viajamos muy lejos para un beso. Besame! Besame mucho!

Yeah, I know. Insane.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Corregidor Adventure Vouchers For Sale

Hi guys. I'm selling 3 Pakyaw.com.ph vouchers for the Corregidor Adventure. I bought them for Php998 each, i.e. at a 52% discount, and I'm reselling at the same price, as I won't be able to use them.

The vouchers are valid Thursdays to Sundays, August 16 to November 30, except national holidays. You can get the details here: http://www.pakyaw.com.ph/team.php?id=118.

Text/email me if you're interested. =)