My god, I'm absolutely horrified with how slow the internet connection is tonight!!!
Anyway, moving on to better and brighter things, after a few months' respite, we (Nico, Oggs, Chi, Lianne, Mia, Jen and I) spent yet another afternoon pigging out, people-bashing in A Veneto (Visayas). (Read: PESTO, PESTO, PESTO!!!) And tonight, I'm going jogging again. I'm trying to balance my lifestyle, see, and this is the only thing I can think of that I can actually afford and that I can REALLY do on a regular basis without cheating. Harhar!
By the way, I'm just writing this while waiting for the other window to refresh, so don't expect this to make any sense. Not that the rest of what I write makes ANY sense at all... Should I turn on the angst full blast? Haha! Nah, I don't think so. I'm SO over the whole me against the world angst thing. And I'm not into anything special right now, so...this is just going to be about me, my life, the more-or-less most basic mundane things that make up my day, etcetera etcetera. To cut the crap short, it's pretty much stuff that only I would want to read. Haha!
Aside: Good God! I'm absolutely horrified!!! It's so goddamned slow!!! It's like sitting in ObliCon class all over again!!!
NOTE TO SELF: Need more physical activity.
So there. I'm going jogging around Ateneo na. If anyone wants to join me, just holler.
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