Thursday, March 10, 2005

And that was Wednesday.

I finally got a good and LONG rest yesterday. I slept at 5am Wednesday morning after a couple of hours' worth of tinkering with the computer, then finally mustered up the strength to get up at 2. In the afternoon. After a quick shower, okay, not so quick. To rephrase, after taking another one of my long baths (READ: one to two hours), I headed out to get some real work done after having slept through most of the day. I was supposed to study in SBC but it was packed, so I decided to go to Mocha Blends instead. I wasn't expecting to see anybody familiar, but lo and behold, when I got there, it was a UP Law reunion of sorts. I ran into Marlon and his ex ex-girlfriend on the way there. (They look really good together. And they looked happy too. =) Leo, Troy, J.P., Yang, and Francesco were there. And that says it all. Hehe! I went with Kri to her final fitting for her grad dress, etcetera etcetera but I DID get some studying done. Late into the night though, I was too bored with Labor I finally gave up. As Francesco was doing some not-so-serious studying for SpecPro finals (well, not so serious by HIS terms anyway...), we ended up having a long and really interesting conversation about, well, anything. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Britanico is NOT deaf-mute. (Applause!) For the longest time, I was under the impression that he never talked save for recitation. Or orals. Anyway, by that time, Yang had left already. And Troy and Leo gave up really early. J.P. was seriously studying, so we didn't bother him with good conversation. An hour later, I went with J.P. to take Franco back to UP to get his car. As if I'd be of such good use if any horror story decided to inflict itself on us. Then when I got home, I was thrilled to find out my GenTxt card had finally arrived.

After the previous day's really long nap, I guess I can't complain that I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I had to get up at 6:30 for court observation with Miguel, Cherry and Reena. I was able to observe a better hearing on a motion today, but I still haven't observed a summary procedure thingie and cross-examination. And the lupon thing, which I'm going to busy myself with tomorrow, if Franco deems it wise. Haha!

Anyway, hurray hurray, no more Admin and Labor forever!!! Today was the last day for both classes, and apathetic as hell as our block is, we didn't even bother to think of preparing anything for Carlots or Ma'am Daway. Well, that's why they don't really like us. But hey, that's how we are eh. We don't suck up to people, and we don't kiss ass. We're still basically intact as a block save for those who left to pursue greener pastures =p so I guess it's working out for us one way or another.

Bad news for Leo though. Their Corpo finals was moved to next week. Bad trip. Everyone was bummed. Oh well. That's law school for you.

Oh yeah, by the way, I was hanging out with Mario and Cherry kanina, and Mitch and Marie, and we were dreaming up all these really lewd stunts to pull off. Hehe! I wonder who our next victim will be... Cherry, Mario and I also passed an hour here in the lib checking out interesting Friendster pics and weird sites, and Google-ing our names. That, my friends, is called boredom with a capital B. As for me, I have half an hour more to waste away until free dinner courtesy of Daisy's 22nd birthday. We're waiting for Nico, Jen and Mia to get out of hell a.k.a CivPro with Ma'am Avena, who incidentally is going to be our Evidence professor next sem, or so I hear. I'm so dead. So anyway, tummy grumbling. I think I'm going.

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