Sorry. Hehe. I got so bored earlier I started counting my teeth. I zoomed in on reality just after I reached lucky number thirteen for the nth time. Figured it would make a good title for something. =p
Anyway, Cherry, Jen, Monica, Marie, Bianx and I had dinner with Ma'am Rowie in Chocolate Kiss earlier. It wasn't half as bad as I expected. Well, given the fact that I was toying with the thought of anything short of massacre and bloodshed, I guess it could not have possibly surpassed that. Hahaha!
Hay. So there. Another week down. I cut only one class this week, and that was the class that didn't really require my attendance. See, I fully intended to get up and out of bed this morning at 7 to prepare to go to school for our 9-12am PIL makeup class. Our Tax 1 professor (Itago na lang natin siya sa initials na JBO. Hehehe! Can't mention his name. His wife gets an email whenever his name appears anywhere online. =p) lectured on the GATT for 3 hours. I'll take Jen's word for it that it was godawfully boring. Anyway, I went to bed at 2am with, honestly, a real and tangible intention to go to class although I hadn't even peeked at the readings, and I had barely started writing my digests for Transpo. What a f-ing martyr. Haha!
ANYWAY... So my alarm went off at 7, but the world seemed so drab and not worth my while. My warm bed seemed like a much better option, especially with the overcast sky and rain and all. Then I got Mario's text that he wasn't going to THAT class either. Well, that did it for me. I shut my eyes and drifted off into Neverneverland. When I woke up (again), it was 1pm and I had to make my next big decision for the day---WON to go to Transpo class. See, I sincerely intended (again) to volunteer for today's class. I spent 15 minutes trying to convince myself to get out of bed. I was successful this time. Got two texts from Mario to honor our 1-week old treaty not to cut class unless BOTH of us agreed to cut. And then class and then the world.
"Oh, oh!" And the Dean paces from the front door to the far end of the board and back to his space---that little corner by the front door. He breaks down and shivers, "I'm safe in my space, I'm safe in my space..." --> Fascinating scenario, innit? Well, he does tend to hang around that area a lot. Anyway, that brings me to my next point. Miguel's EIC of the PLJ this year. Judy and Jojo also made it. Plus a couple of sophomores. Good for them. =)
I so hope I've learned something from law school. It's my own fault that I've been so much of a delinquent the past 2+ years in terms of studying. I've told myself a million times it's for my own good, I'M the one who's going to benefit (or suffer the consequences), it's my last chance to redeem myself, blah blah blah blah blah. And now I'm trying to convince myself to listen to my own sermon. Gurggh. Haghaghaghagha. Fine. I shall now retire into my safety zone. Mucho bedtime!!!
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