Well. Today wasn't so bad. I woke up late for IPL but Ma'am Villanueva was late anyway. We RUSHED through patents but we managed to finish but class was extended til 1 so Mario had to hide out in the Law Center til Lianne and I were done with class so we could head over to Eastwood for our planned study session. I also found out there's a Matahari na in Eastwood in front of the cinema ticket booth. Yay! I've been craving for cassava chips for so long na kaya lang I don't go to Megamall anymore eh that's the only place I thought they were in. Nainggit tuloy si Lianne, bumili din. Hehe! Anyway, we had lunch in Fazoli's with Neil (Italian chicken! Yumyum!) then we headed over to my favorite hideout: Coffee Bean. I swear, I love their double vanilla tea latte. It's sweet, but I like it. =) We got some studying done naman. I'm now on my 60th digest for Succession. Around half done. Lianne left around 6, but Mario and I stayed til around 9:30.
Mario discovered a new highlighter brand today. It's 9 pesos cheaper than the brand we use now (Staedtler). See, Mario and I have this thing with highlighters and highlighting. We have to use the same brand and highlight the same way. And don't judge us ha. It works for us eh. =p It's Faber Castell for yellow (although Mario uses the old variety and I use the new one), and Staedtler for orange and pink kasi they're the most flourescent. Well, at least we thought so. Highlighters are so expensive na. Anyway, Mario ran out of pink so he headed over to National Bookstore and discovered a brighter pink and a brighter orange. I think the brand's Scriva or something. Now he's bugging me to switch brands too, but I have a month's worth of highlighters pa (and Mario sold me his new orange Staedtler highlighter for 5 pesos. Hehe!) kasi I bought na finals supplies 2 days ago so I wouldn't have to trudge over to National Bookstore na. Next sem siguro.
Oh, and my sched next sem is purrfect. No morning classes AT ALL. But Mario's only taking PRIL and Tax with us... =( And there are only 18 of us in Pril kasi half our block dropped CivPro with Ma'am Avena. Oh well. May deal na kami ni Mario to be seatmates again though. =)
Anyway... Jay dropped by Coffee Bean din kanina. He treated us out to dinner in Teriyaki Boy pa. Yay! =) Hay Mario, you and your issues. And your lines. Which work, incidentally. Hehe! I swear, Mario and Jay are so cute together! And fun. Honest. And they're both super nice. And smart.
Anyhoo, I gotta run. I've exhausted my 30 minute break from Succession already. Tomorrow's Starbucks day with Lianne and Mario.
Lawyer by day. Sleeping lawyer by night. Incoherent. Ridiculous. Mundane. Or just plain weird.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thanks. =)
Hey, for the last person who posted a comment here, thanks. Really. I really appreciate the thought. =) Why do people not leave their names though?
On relationships et al.
Hay relationships. Sometimes I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, or even if it even classifies as a thing, that I'm unattached to anybody in particular, i.e. single, not "in a relationship", however you'd prefer to call the evaders of the L-word. Well, maybe not the L-word, maybe just relationships. There's just so much to it. The first part's fun, but it gets old, and sometimes its just downright boring and tedious and cumbersome and all that crap.
First you meet a guy. Sometimes you just know there's something, sometimes, you're just practically oblivious to the fact that he exists. And then you get to know him, maybe a few official dates. May also be unofficial. You just happen to be together someplace. Or maybe by some weird twist of fate, you just somehow end up at the same place at the same time. (In my case, it was more like I was set up pala but I didn't figure it out til much later. Oblivious. Naive. Whatever you want to call it.) Then you get weird feelings and shit. The tingly sort and all. Whoever denies it is lying. You feel like "Ohmigod." Just that. Nothing more. Just ohmigod. And leave it at that. You don't really like him naman din kasi. Ok lang, flattering, but just ok. Nothing special. Just the run of the mill kinda hanging out thing. And then stuff starts to happen. He texts you the oddest things at the oddest moments. He invites you out with friends but spends most of the time talking to you. You kinda figure he likes you a teeny bit more than other girls because of the extra attention but you don't want to assume anything. You start to get the hang of the whole attention thing, but still no fireworks. But the kilig starts to grow. Next thing you know you look forward to seeing him the next day or find yourself checking your phone every 10 seconds to see if he texted. Still no fireworks. Then he starts inviting you out to a movie or to dinner, just the two of you. And you have fun. But it doesn't feel like you're just hanging out with a friend. You're comfortable with him but it's different. You start going out together more often, texting, chatting and talking on the phone regularly. You're by now familiar with each other's schedule by heart. You really like him na and you're just waiting for him to pop the question. When he does, it's just magic.
The first few months are just heaven. You're perpetually giddy and live from one date to the next. Well, not really. You just really look forward to seeing him after (or before. or in the middle of) a really long day. You start doing everything together, and everything's different.
A few months later, things begin to change. Every now and then, the routine seems to get boring. You find yourself getting tired of doing the same things. You start to fight over the smallest things. Every so often, you consider the thought of breaking up, and occasionally you do, but you somehow always end up realizing that that's not really what you want either. These fits come and go. For some people I know more often than others. And man, when they start ranting, it's hilarious!
As for me, I had my share of hissy fits, but I really appreciate the little things, which I find really sweet. I'm a sucker for stuff like that. I mean, I like the occasional grand gesture, but I'd take a hug over a long litany about the moon and the stars any day of the week, if you know what I mean. =p Although relationships in general don't run themselves, in the end, just knowing that someone affirms your existence and that you affirm his, and the whole extravaganza that comes with it, is worth it. Really. And although sometimes it just doesn't work out, I still think relationships are not more trouble than they're worth. They're trouble sometimes, but a little excitement never hurt anybody anyway.
I was actually concious at 7:30 this morning, (bow) thank you very much. I'm making up for all the work I should have done but didn't do during the sem by giving myself hell for the next 3 weeks. I was up bright and early for a pre-Evidence and PIL study session with Mario in Starbucks. Nobody interesting there though.
I'm officially turning my finals effort full blast tomorrow after IPL class. I'm not sure if I'm cutting Transpo to go to Coffee Bean Eastwood. But I'm leaning more towards a Tall Double Vanilla Tea Latte. Hehe!
The only two professors I ever remember clapping for at the end of the sem were Prof. Te (Crim 1, Crim 2, Civ Pro, Evidence. Phew!) and Prof. Diaz. (Crim Pro), and they well deserved it. Prof. Te especially. In this day and age, and soon to be profession where honesty, integrity and morals seem to have been reduced to accessories people can shed in a heartbeat, it's heartwarming to know that there are lawyers/professors who are successful by conventional standards yet are still essentially good people; who go to mass and pray, and are not ashamed of it, and actually tell students to pray before going to court; who have a heart and put their heart into their work, And at the very least seem to care. In theory though, I'd clap for Ma'am Beth too. I think I was too terrified to clap for her the last day of Persons class. Ma'am Daway was really nice din.
Hay. Well. Here's to my fifth semester in law school. Which is still not over. 3 weeks of hell to go. Hey, I'm going to be holed up in Starbucks Katipunan or Coffee Bean Eastwood (or if I'm pulling an all-nighter, probably McDo Eastwood). If anyone wants to join me in my effort to pass, just text. Anyway, I'm off to, um, binge. I want a warm mug of Swiss Miss. There's a humongous tub of it in the condo. Yum yum.
First you meet a guy. Sometimes you just know there's something, sometimes, you're just practically oblivious to the fact that he exists. And then you get to know him, maybe a few official dates. May also be unofficial. You just happen to be together someplace. Or maybe by some weird twist of fate, you just somehow end up at the same place at the same time. (In my case, it was more like I was set up pala but I didn't figure it out til much later. Oblivious. Naive. Whatever you want to call it.) Then you get weird feelings and shit. The tingly sort and all. Whoever denies it is lying. You feel like "Ohmigod." Just that. Nothing more. Just ohmigod. And leave it at that. You don't really like him naman din kasi. Ok lang, flattering, but just ok. Nothing special. Just the run of the mill kinda hanging out thing. And then stuff starts to happen. He texts you the oddest things at the oddest moments. He invites you out with friends but spends most of the time talking to you. You kinda figure he likes you a teeny bit more than other girls because of the extra attention but you don't want to assume anything. You start to get the hang of the whole attention thing, but still no fireworks. But the kilig starts to grow. Next thing you know you look forward to seeing him the next day or find yourself checking your phone every 10 seconds to see if he texted. Still no fireworks. Then he starts inviting you out to a movie or to dinner, just the two of you. And you have fun. But it doesn't feel like you're just hanging out with a friend. You're comfortable with him but it's different. You start going out together more often, texting, chatting and talking on the phone regularly. You're by now familiar with each other's schedule by heart. You really like him na and you're just waiting for him to pop the question. When he does, it's just magic.
The first few months are just heaven. You're perpetually giddy and live from one date to the next. Well, not really. You just really look forward to seeing him after (or before. or in the middle of) a really long day. You start doing everything together, and everything's different.
A few months later, things begin to change. Every now and then, the routine seems to get boring. You find yourself getting tired of doing the same things. You start to fight over the smallest things. Every so often, you consider the thought of breaking up, and occasionally you do, but you somehow always end up realizing that that's not really what you want either. These fits come and go. For some people I know more often than others. And man, when they start ranting, it's hilarious!
As for me, I had my share of hissy fits, but I really appreciate the little things, which I find really sweet. I'm a sucker for stuff like that. I mean, I like the occasional grand gesture, but I'd take a hug over a long litany about the moon and the stars any day of the week, if you know what I mean. =p Although relationships in general don't run themselves, in the end, just knowing that someone affirms your existence and that you affirm his, and the whole extravaganza that comes with it, is worth it. Really. And although sometimes it just doesn't work out, I still think relationships are not more trouble than they're worth. They're trouble sometimes, but a little excitement never hurt anybody anyway.
I was actually concious at 7:30 this morning, (bow) thank you very much. I'm making up for all the work I should have done but didn't do during the sem by giving myself hell for the next 3 weeks. I was up bright and early for a pre-Evidence and PIL study session with Mario in Starbucks. Nobody interesting there though.
I'm officially turning my finals effort full blast tomorrow after IPL class. I'm not sure if I'm cutting Transpo to go to Coffee Bean Eastwood. But I'm leaning more towards a Tall Double Vanilla Tea Latte. Hehe!
The only two professors I ever remember clapping for at the end of the sem were Prof. Te (Crim 1, Crim 2, Civ Pro, Evidence. Phew!) and Prof. Diaz. (Crim Pro), and they well deserved it. Prof. Te especially. In this day and age, and soon to be profession where honesty, integrity and morals seem to have been reduced to accessories people can shed in a heartbeat, it's heartwarming to know that there are lawyers/professors who are successful by conventional standards yet are still essentially good people; who go to mass and pray, and are not ashamed of it, and actually tell students to pray before going to court; who have a heart and put their heart into their work, And at the very least seem to care. In theory though, I'd clap for Ma'am Beth too. I think I was too terrified to clap for her the last day of Persons class. Ma'am Daway was really nice din.
Hay. Well. Here's to my fifth semester in law school. Which is still not over. 3 weeks of hell to go. Hey, I'm going to be holed up in Starbucks Katipunan or Coffee Bean Eastwood (or if I'm pulling an all-nighter, probably McDo Eastwood). If anyone wants to join me in my effort to pass, just text. Anyway, I'm off to, um, binge. I want a warm mug of Swiss Miss. There's a humongous tub of it in the condo. Yum yum.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
C'est la vie...
I swear to God, the Bar is an annual tradition of torturing ALL law students in general, not just the ones taking the Bar. I'd much rather do a million BarOps shifts than be the one taking the Bar though. Thank God it's over. I don't have to see Sheraton until next year. Yahoo!
Anyhoo, Saturday was so not what I expected it to be. Bad news just keeps on coming like there's no tomorrow. And I'm not talking about THAT unfortunate incident. This is something else. See, I'm stuck in my godforsaken rut again.
Some people never change talaga no matter how much I'd like to think they have, or that they even can. It SO does not pay to be idealistic. (Yeah baby, bring on the angst!!!) Gawd, it sucks to be me sometimes. Seems I was wrong about a lot of things, and a lot of people. I'm generally a pretty good judge of character, see. Seems I was wrong about that as well. At least three things turned out WAY different from how I would've liked them to. The world is against me. =(
I firmly resolve at this point that I will quit all this crap about that shithead. He will never change. I should have learned that a long time ago. Well, I did, actually. It's just that I'd still like to believe that somewhere deep, REALLY deep down in his soul, he's still the good person and the friend I thought he was. (Gawd, this is so f-ing melodramatic.) I don't know what's happening na talaga. I could jump to all these conclusions about what brought about this uber unfortunate chain of events, but I hesitate because I really don't want to start thinking so much about it, promising myself so many things then end up breaking them and recanting all my self-proclaimed truths. Ack!
Hay... Just to highlight how cruel the world is being to me, a few nights ago, I sent out a text message to all my close friends and family. Um, hello, it was so not a depressing message. I thought it was actually funny. And my cousin Shirley thought so too. My dad and my stepmom didn't even consider it halfway sad to even bother to reply. But lo and behold, my favorite uncle called me up around 4 in the morning to check if I was ok. I was really touched by the gesture, but I found myself wondering if it was really all that disturbing. And then the tears came and I couldn't stop crying til sunrise. I ended up realizing how much I miss my family and all the people who have ever meant anything to me. I cried myself to sleep that night. When I woke up the next morning, er, afternoon, I was still feeling bad. And my eyes were swollen like melons. I didn't want to go to school like that, so as was my habit, I cut class. When Chi and Ngangi came home, both of them asked me if I had been crying, as my eyes were really swollen. I made up this lame excuse about not being able to sleep (which was true, of course) and allergy attacks, which I did get the day before. Lucky for me, both of them bought it. I still haven't told them the truth. Apparently, Chi heard me sniffling but she was feeling bad as well.
I don't know what went wrong, what I did wrong, or where I went wrong, but everything seems to be militating towards a not so encouraging future. I've been rethinking my entire life plan for fear that something got screwed up somewhere along the line and I'll end up penniless on the street or worse, Gawd, I don't even want to consider the possibility.
I really need a good cheering up. The world has not been very kind to me lately.
Anyhoo, Saturday was so not what I expected it to be. Bad news just keeps on coming like there's no tomorrow. And I'm not talking about THAT unfortunate incident. This is something else. See, I'm stuck in my godforsaken rut again.
Some people never change talaga no matter how much I'd like to think they have, or that they even can. It SO does not pay to be idealistic. (Yeah baby, bring on the angst!!!) Gawd, it sucks to be me sometimes. Seems I was wrong about a lot of things, and a lot of people. I'm generally a pretty good judge of character, see. Seems I was wrong about that as well. At least three things turned out WAY different from how I would've liked them to. The world is against me. =(
I firmly resolve at this point that I will quit all this crap about that shithead. He will never change. I should have learned that a long time ago. Well, I did, actually. It's just that I'd still like to believe that somewhere deep, REALLY deep down in his soul, he's still the good person and the friend I thought he was. (Gawd, this is so f-ing melodramatic.) I don't know what's happening na talaga. I could jump to all these conclusions about what brought about this uber unfortunate chain of events, but I hesitate because I really don't want to start thinking so much about it, promising myself so many things then end up breaking them and recanting all my self-proclaimed truths. Ack!
Hay... Just to highlight how cruel the world is being to me, a few nights ago, I sent out a text message to all my close friends and family. Um, hello, it was so not a depressing message. I thought it was actually funny. And my cousin Shirley thought so too. My dad and my stepmom didn't even consider it halfway sad to even bother to reply. But lo and behold, my favorite uncle called me up around 4 in the morning to check if I was ok. I was really touched by the gesture, but I found myself wondering if it was really all that disturbing. And then the tears came and I couldn't stop crying til sunrise. I ended up realizing how much I miss my family and all the people who have ever meant anything to me. I cried myself to sleep that night. When I woke up the next morning, er, afternoon, I was still feeling bad. And my eyes were swollen like melons. I didn't want to go to school like that, so as was my habit, I cut class. When Chi and Ngangi came home, both of them asked me if I had been crying, as my eyes were really swollen. I made up this lame excuse about not being able to sleep (which was true, of course) and allergy attacks, which I did get the day before. Lucky for me, both of them bought it. I still haven't told them the truth. Apparently, Chi heard me sniffling but she was feeling bad as well.
I don't know what went wrong, what I did wrong, or where I went wrong, but everything seems to be militating towards a not so encouraging future. I've been rethinking my entire life plan for fear that something got screwed up somewhere along the line and I'll end up penniless on the street or worse, Gawd, I don't even want to consider the possibility.
I really need a good cheering up. The world has not been very kind to me lately.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
http://sorting-hat.com/ - Ravenclaw
WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="130" ALT="Want to Get Sorted?">
a Ravenclaw!
http://sortingquiz.chronosdesign.com/ - Ravenclaw
http://timidity.org/tests/house3.html - Griffindor

Get Sorted By The Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
- First time around: Hufflepuff
- When I wasn't trying to be nice - Ravenclaw / Slytherin
http://www.okcupid.com - Ravenclaw / Slytherin
a Ravenclaw!
http://sortingquiz.chronosdesign.com/ - Ravenclaw
I'm from Ravenclaw!
Hogwart's Sorting Hat Quiz
made by The Genki Gang
http://timidity.org/tests/house3.html - Griffindor
Get Sorted By The Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
- First time around: Hufflepuff
- When I wasn't trying to be nice - Ravenclaw / Slytherin
http://www.okcupid.com - Ravenclaw / Slytherin
My once a week going to class stint
The f-ing picture won't upload. Darn. Anyway, I'll upload it when I find the energy to. As for the annotation... This was the last time my blockmates saw me prior to my Nego cameo role today. I've only been going to class Thursdays since last week, see? And that's because I'm on deck for IPL, and it would take a grand ass of an idiot not to show up for THAT.
I just saw Land of the Dead with Nico, Oggs, Jen and Nestor. It was so high school it was fun. Hehe! It's nothing spectacular, of course, but it's enough to keep me awake but not staring down at my feet like I did when Nico, Titit, Lenny and I saw Amityville over the summer. I like zombies more than I like ghosts. And that isn't saying much. Zombies, I cannot for the life of me imagine as real. Ghosts, well, let's just say I've been having trouble sleeping for 3 weeks now. And taking the elevator alone, and generally being alone in the condo.
I just saw Land of the Dead with Nico, Oggs, Jen and Nestor. It was so high school it was fun. Hehe! It's nothing spectacular, of course, but it's enough to keep me awake but not staring down at my feet like I did when Nico, Titit, Lenny and I saw Amityville over the summer. I like zombies more than I like ghosts. And that isn't saying much. Zombies, I cannot for the life of me imagine as real. Ghosts, well, let's just say I've been having trouble sleeping for 3 weeks now. And taking the elevator alone, and generally being alone in the condo.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I'm passing time in the lib lang... Lianne will drop by around 7 then we're going to Oggs' place for his birthday partay thingie. It's 7. Why am I in the lib?!! Even worse, I didn't have class today. Sir Te and Danny Con gave us free cuts for Evidence and Succession respectively. As for IPL, well. Some people are allergic to rain. (Like moi, for example. Well, with respect to going to class lang, anyway. Hehe!) I had a really good feeling that SDV wasn't going to show earlier today, but just to appease my blockmates, I got up at 8:30 and was at school way before class was scheduled to start. (I can imagine the bloodshed if I hadn't shown up when I was on deck for recitation today. Harharhar! I might as well have hung myself. Okay, bad joke.) Anyhoo... Free cuts are free cuts are free cuts. I never complain about them.
So. The past 9 or so hours I've been here, I've had lunch, shared chismis and hung out in the Winlaw room, cut and tied gold ribbons, arranged goody bags and other stuff, watched Ateneo lose another game to La Salle---Darn... =( ---checked my mail, downloaded and uploaded pictures, blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, and Mahalay looked pristine as usual. Hay... Oh well.
Oh, good deed for the day. I treated out 3 kids to fishball today. Kawawa naman eh. They were soaked to the bone na and it was freezing tapos Mario, Migs and I were standing there munching on. Talk about social sin. Wala lang. Nahappy naman sila. I felt happy but a tad guilty afterwards. My God, super babs ko kaya lately! If I see them tomorrow, I'll buy them something ulit siguro. They really appreciated it too. Heartwarming but nakakaguilty pa rin...
Anyway, I was going to make kuwento about freaky stories and my Sheraton weekend, but I think Lianne's dropping by to pick me up anytime soon. Might as well say my I do's. Oops. I meant my goodbyes. Hehe! Couldn't help myself. Today was a good day. =)
So. The past 9 or so hours I've been here, I've had lunch, shared chismis and hung out in the Winlaw room, cut and tied gold ribbons, arranged goody bags and other stuff, watched Ateneo lose another game to La Salle---Darn... =( ---checked my mail, downloaded and uploaded pictures, blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, and Mahalay looked pristine as usual. Hay... Oh well.
Oh, good deed for the day. I treated out 3 kids to fishball today. Kawawa naman eh. They were soaked to the bone na and it was freezing tapos Mario, Migs and I were standing there munching on. Talk about social sin. Wala lang. Nahappy naman sila. I felt happy but a tad guilty afterwards. My God, super babs ko kaya lately! If I see them tomorrow, I'll buy them something ulit siguro. They really appreciated it too. Heartwarming but nakakaguilty pa rin...
Anyway, I was going to make kuwento about freaky stories and my Sheraton weekend, but I think Lianne's dropping by to pick me up anytime soon. Might as well say my I do's. Oops. I meant my goodbyes. Hehe! Couldn't help myself. Today was a good day. =)
Monday, September 05, 2005
Day 1, Unpromising week # 3456
As per my previous post, last week ended with a bang, and not a good one. More like my shin hitting the corner of my desk in the flurry of rushing headlong into bed after a looooooooong night (and day) doing BarOps for Winlaw. Plus the fact that I got called for Tax again last Saturday.
Winlaw BarOps was uber exhausting, if I might say so myself. Aside from being holed up in Sheraton for X number of hours (I wasn't even able to visit the Portians or meet up with the Ateneo Law people...), I had to go to Dangwa pa with Mario to buy roses and ribbon and shit, and then attend to the task of getting the flowers ready for distribution. And then there was buying dinner, breakfast and lunch for the barristers, and delivering goody bags, tips, and food, wakeup calls, organizing, etc. etc. etc. The list does only gets longer. It was ok though. I think we did a pretty good job naman the first weekend. And I had an excuse to sleep the whole day yesterday.
JJ was majorly bitching earlier today. I wonder what got into him. Or what he didn't get into. Haha! Major PMS attack. I won't go on for fear of retribution. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing informing him when he asked me during my recit about some Agency thing that I haven't taken Agency yet... In any case, he was super kaduper annoyed with the world at large. Aside from the time Dan Gat walked out on our block in freshman year, I don't think I've ever seen anyone so annoyed AND annoying.
Anyhoo, I WAS able to attend both PIL classes today. But Mario cut our afternoon classes because (s)he's pregnant and was having morning sickness earlier. The poor thing...
It's been a long past few days. I'm tired. And I don't seem to have the strength or stamina or the drive to do anything. Not even watch tv. And apparently, not even to write a halfway decent blog post. Aw man, this sucks.
Oh, one last thing. My ex has been texting me, but I haven't been able to reply even once due to, um, a deep temporarily irreversible state of unconsciousness. Oh well. Too bad. =p
And now I'll float / drift / hover back to the condo... Wheee!!! (Still no drive to do anything except hover around like a you-know-what...)
Winlaw BarOps was uber exhausting, if I might say so myself. Aside from being holed up in Sheraton for X number of hours (I wasn't even able to visit the Portians or meet up with the Ateneo Law people...), I had to go to Dangwa pa with Mario to buy roses and ribbon and shit, and then attend to the task of getting the flowers ready for distribution. And then there was buying dinner, breakfast and lunch for the barristers, and delivering goody bags, tips, and food, wakeup calls, organizing, etc. etc. etc. The list does only gets longer. It was ok though. I think we did a pretty good job naman the first weekend. And I had an excuse to sleep the whole day yesterday.
JJ was majorly bitching earlier today. I wonder what got into him. Or what he didn't get into. Haha! Major PMS attack. I won't go on for fear of retribution. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing informing him when he asked me during my recit about some Agency thing that I haven't taken Agency yet... In any case, he was super kaduper annoyed with the world at large. Aside from the time Dan Gat walked out on our block in freshman year, I don't think I've ever seen anyone so annoyed AND annoying.
Anyhoo, I WAS able to attend both PIL classes today. But Mario cut our afternoon classes because (s)he's pregnant and was having morning sickness earlier. The poor thing...
It's been a long past few days. I'm tired. And I don't seem to have the strength or stamina or the drive to do anything. Not even watch tv. And apparently, not even to write a halfway decent blog post. Aw man, this sucks.
Oh, one last thing. My ex has been texting me, but I haven't been able to reply even once due to, um, a deep temporarily irreversible state of unconsciousness. Oh well. Too bad. =p
And now I'll float / drift / hover back to the condo... Wheee!!! (Still no drive to do anything except hover around like a you-know-what...)
Friday, September 02, 2005
Para que?!!

This week has been so bad I could cry. It started with me working til dawn on out part of the Transpo midterm paper which was due Wednesday and it was all downhill from there. Went through all the hassle of opening a bank account, withdrawals, solicitation and shit. And I think I just lost a friend. I hope we're able to patch things up eventually, but seeing as we're both so preoccupied with our separate lives and super ma-pride, I don't think it's going to happen. I'm not going to apologize either. Kainis ha. Feeling! My God! As if naman! Mukha naman siyang ipis! Termite! Lowlife pile of poop! &(#&$&(#$^*&^$!!! Ewww!!! My fate seems to be stuck in an uber deep trough with no hope of ever climbing up. Darn. I never see him na nga, the only time I see him pa, nag-away pa kami. Shit talaga. Again, it's Murphy's Law gone wild. Anything that could have possibly gone wrong this week did go wrong, and in the worst possible ways. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Did I mention I hate it?
Wednesday, I had to cram big time for Nego and cut PIL for like the hundredth time because I hadn't read even a word of the readings. Well, that's IF the titles don't count.
Thursday, for the hundred millionth time, I found myself sleeping through class. I even tried to go to class though late but I chickened out at the last moment and ended up cursing myself. I went to hang out in the Winlaw room and found Mario there sleeping. When C.J. dropped by, I left my stuff with her and trudged over to the ledge near the Law Center where I always smoke. As my luck had it, there was an uber territorial cat there and he/she/it was bitching big time. I didn't want to assert my superior right over the space at the risk of having to get rabies shots like Al did in college, so I relinquished the space to the bitching cat and sat down on the steps alone. Again, just my luck, yet another professor, in the tradition of JJ Disini, Carlota, et.al. caught me smoking. I ended up dropping my cigarette like a hot potato when I saw him, and only later realized that my pack of Marlboro Menthols was right smack in the middle of his line of vision. Goddamn. I lit another one and began amusing myself with the supposed faculty statement re: GMA and the political crisis bonanza. Troy came along with the news that he just dropped his Foreign Investments class with Leonen. We went back to the Winlaw room where I isolated myself in one corner of the couch to engage in some self-torture. I swear to God, I could almost knock myself out! I have a problem na talaga. I have the worst sleeping habits, if any at all.
Around 12, Lianne drove me over to the Bahay ng Alumni where I opened an account for Winlaw. Oggs, Lianne, Chi, Daisy and I were supposed to have lunch over at Heaven and Eggs Timog, but the bank thing took so long I decided not to go anymore. I was hungry and tired and irritated with the world. I was broke as usual, but faced with the choices of (1) going back to school to eat cold oily food in the caf, or (2) have a leisurely lunch by myself in Chocolate Kiss, I opted for the latter. To hell with my budget. As it happened, there weren't so many people, as it was 2 o'clock or so in the afternoon. So there I was sitting alone at a table, having my puttanesca. Towards the end of my meal, I invited one of my college friends over but he was in class and couldn't go. (He texted around 2am though. I think he wanted to have a beer or something, but I was fast asleep and could not have possibly gone.) After dessert, (And yes, I had dessert. I wanted to be happy. And Devil's Food Cake makes me happy. So I had Devil's Food Cake. I don't know it the fact that I like Devil's Food Cake is any indication of my predisposition towards being evil.) I got the bill and decided to walk back to Malcolm to burn off at least a small portion of what I had previously ingested. I didn't know it was so far. I again went back to the Winlaw room and preoccupied myself with thoughts of self-destruction. Well, not exactly, I was just mad at the world.
Anyway, Sir Te gave us a free cut for Evidence so I hung out with C.J., Marie, Cherry, Mario (and later on, Lenny, one of the Winlaw apps from 1D, and Dionne dropped by) til we had to go to Succession. And THAT class took all of 15 minutes.
I went home and fixed my stuff as I always do, and ended up spending a good 320 getting my laundry done. I swear, I'm the brokest of the broke right now. I watched tv and fell asleep in the middle of the evening news. When I woke up, it was 4:30am, so I went back to sleep. My alarm went off at 7:30, but instead of getting out of bed and getting ready for class like a good student should have, I went back to sleep, and by the time I regained consciousness, it was 10am. Let me just point out here that I was supposed to have PIL 9-12 today, and if you've been paying attention, that's the class I've cut a million times. So you can imaging how sucky I felt when I checked for the time on my ancient phone. I still went to class though. REALLY LATE. And then it was off to lunch with the barkada in A Veneto. I know for a fact that I seriously feel bad because I wasn't in the mood to eat. Everything tasted like what old socks and crumbly rubber must taste like in theory. Nico, Oggs and Chi went home, while the rest of us decided to go to Transpo.
And then my life turned into living hell. I went to the bank to withdraw cash for this weekend's Winlaw BarOps, but as it turned out, Cherry had signed the wrong blank on the slip. It was 1:45. I had class 2-4. The bank closes at 4. Cherry was at work and couldn't leave til 4. I was down to my last 2 texts, and my phone was dying. AND I had no idea where Cherry's office was or how to get there. I got in touch with Cherry while I was pacing back and forth across the hall, and ended up taking the wrong jeep to Quezon Hall. This I realized when the jeep turned into some unknown street which did NOT lead to that naked statue of an exhibitionist. I got off, took another jeep which this time dropped me off a short distance away from my target destination. I found Cherry's office, got the new withdrawal slips signed, then tried to figure out a way to get to the bank then back to Malcolm. It was 2:30. With no cabs or jeeps or whatever in sight, I was about to panic when I decided to ask these 2 lovers for directions. I didn't completely understand what they were saying, as they were talking in this weird species of Tagalog which only what Mel calls "kanto boys" use. I got the gist of it (right, kinda left, cross the street) though. Why do people find it so difficult to give directions? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to say walk to the first corner, turn right, walk south and cross the street to the Bahay ng Alumni. Duh?!!
Anyway, I felt like I was about to cry while I was walking to the bank. It was hot, I was getting all sticky and sweaty. My hair was all over the place, and I didn't have a comb or tissue or alcohol, hand sanitizer, cologne, an umbrella, an extra shirt, or ANYTHING. All I had with me were my wallet, a bank passbook, enough money for fare, and blood, sweat and tears. I was tired and frustrated and mad and irritated. I had just had a really bad tiff with a guy friend I had previously missed to tears and then when I finally met up, we ended up fighting like we never had. =-( I had just gotten lost and had to walk along these roads I knew not... I could have died there and that would have been a good thing.
I finally got to the bank, withdrew what we needed, and walked back to Malcolm. I figured, since I'm already sweating like there's no tomorrow, lubusin ko na. Die die die. And then when I got to the Law Center, this BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL ant bit my arm and it hurt like hell! Don't know where it came from either. And the welt was getting bigger too. I fixed myself up a little then went to class. A nonexistent class. My blockmates were still there waiting for Avila but he didn't show. So we, well, most of us, went home. And now I'm ranting here so I don't end up committing mass murder.
Like I said, it's been one hell of a week, and it's over yet. Judging from how it's been the past few days, I'd say I should kill myself now and spare myself the trouble.
My last thoughts...
(1) Winlaw is killing me.
(2) I feel so fucking bad.
(3) I need a beer and a good long smoke.
(4) Shit, BarOps na bukas.
(5) I'm still not going to apologize.
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