Monday, September 05, 2005

Day 1, Unpromising week # 3456

As per my previous post, last week ended with a bang, and not a good one. More like my shin hitting the corner of my desk in the flurry of rushing headlong into bed after a looooooooong night (and day) doing BarOps for Winlaw. Plus the fact that I got called for Tax again last Saturday.

Winlaw BarOps was uber exhausting, if I might say so myself. Aside from being holed up in Sheraton for X number of hours (I wasn't even able to visit the Portians or meet up with the Ateneo Law people...), I had to go to Dangwa pa with Mario to buy roses and ribbon and shit, and then attend to the task of getting the flowers ready for distribution. And then there was buying dinner, breakfast and lunch for the barristers, and delivering goody bags, tips, and food, wakeup calls, organizing, etc. etc. etc. The list does only gets longer. It was ok though. I think we did a pretty good job naman the first weekend. And I had an excuse to sleep the whole day yesterday.

JJ was majorly bitching earlier today. I wonder what got into him. Or what he didn't get into. Haha! Major PMS attack. I won't go on for fear of retribution. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing informing him when he asked me during my recit about some Agency thing that I haven't taken Agency yet... In any case, he was super kaduper annoyed with the world at large. Aside from the time Dan Gat walked out on our block in freshman year, I don't think I've ever seen anyone so annoyed AND annoying.

Anyhoo, I WAS able to attend both PIL classes today. But Mario cut our afternoon classes because (s)he's pregnant and was having morning sickness earlier. The poor thing...

It's been a long past few days. I'm tired. And I don't seem to have the strength or stamina or the drive to do anything. Not even watch tv. And apparently, not even to write a halfway decent blog post. Aw man, this sucks.

Oh, one last thing. My ex has been texting me, but I haven't been able to reply even once due to, um, a deep temporarily irreversible state of unconsciousness. Oh well. Too bad. =p

And now I'll float / drift / hover back to the condo... Wheee!!! (Still no drive to do anything except hover around like a you-know-what...)

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