1. If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go? - Tuscany =) Blame it on Under the Tuscan Sun.
2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with your children? - various encyclopedia sets, Nancy Drew, fairy tales
3. What is the most violent action you have ever performed? - It hasn't prescribed yet. =p
4. If you could ensure that your children never have one experience that you have had, what would it be? - Wag na, masyadong dramatic.
5. Have you ever been in a restaurant and discovered something in your food that shouldn’t have been there? - Yep. Please don't make me relive it. Ewww...
6. If you could exchange places with any person from history, no longer alive, who would you want to have been? - Could I kill Imelda Marcos and THEN say Imelda Marcos? Hehe! Seriously though... Jackie O., I guess. Now THAT's an interesting life.
7. What modern convenience should never have been invented? - I love convenience. Can't think of anything right now.
8. What annually televised show is an absolute “must see” for you? - Any Ateneo-La Salle Seniors basketball game =D
9. If you could have a secret camera in any room in the world, what room would you put it in? - Brad Pitt's shower. Hahahahaha!
10. What’s the most romantic movie you ever saw? - The Holiday. =D
11. In your opinion, which animal is the most beautiful? - Chase Crawford =D
12. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have? - Spontaneous travel on an unlimited budget.
13. If you could have a servant come to your house every day for one hour, what would you have them do? - Everything: blowdry my hair, iron my clothes, clean the house, do my laundry, etc.
14. What is one talent or skill you don't have but always wanted? - the performing arts, singing, dancing, playing the piano, the cello, the violin
15. If you could have any music group or musician alive today to play at your birthday party, which group would you hire? - For variety: Leslie Feist, Allesio Benvenuti, Psapp, Justin Timberlake, Keane, Jimmy Eat World, The Spice Girls, The Pussycat Dolls and...Britney Spears. Should be fun. =p
16. Do you have any body piercings or tattoos? Why, or why not? - Just the traditional ear piercing. I don't particularly relish the thought of metal scraps or ink in random parts of my body.
17. Have you ever taken a peek at someone else’s diary? - Heehee! =D
18. If you could have the body of someone from history or alive today and keep your own brain, whose body would you chose? - Heidi Klum. =D
19. If you could have the brain of someone from history or alive today and remain in your own body, whose brain would you chose? - It's a tie between Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Marcos. (minus all the bad stuff.)
20. What is the worst food combination you can think of? An example: hamburgers with whipped cream … - Ice cream with vinegar. blech.
21. If you could have the world’s largest collection of one thing, what would it be? - Good books. =D
22. What scents remind you of a loved one? - Lysol, floor wax and freshly laundered clothes? =p And Jovan Musk.
23. What is the most shameful thing you’ve ever done? - It's so shameful I'd rather not broadcast it.
24. If you could be the lover of any person alive other than your current lover, who would you pick? - Chase Crawford =D
25. If you could increase your IQ by 40 points by having an ugly scar on your face, would you do so? - No, thank you. I'm happy the way I am.
1. How much taller or shorter than you actually are would you like to be? - I would like to be seven inches taller.
2. You’ve no doubt heard the expression “Wake up and smell the coffee!” If you could wake up every morning to the distinct smell of any one thing, what would you choose? - fresh pine-scented air. =)
3. If you could be married to someone famous from the past who is no longer alive, who would you like it to be? - Could I kill Chase Crawford?
4. Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex? - I've never wanted to have a penis. I'm happy being a hormonal female. =p
5. You move to a new residence and have absolutely no household items or furniture. If you were on a tight budget, what would your first purchase be? If you had unlimited funds, what would your first purchase be? - Either way, I would buy a bed first. I treasure my nap time.
6. Suppose that we still lived in an age when kings and queens ruled the lands. Would you rather be the monarch or his number one advisor? - The monarch, of course. I want a crown and a scepter and a throne and everything else that comes with the package.
7. Would you rather spend a month on vacation with your parents or put in overtime at your current job for four weeks without extra compensation? - I like my parents. Of course I'd rather go on vacation with them.
8. How did you celebrate your last birthday? - I spent it with my family. =)
9. If you could be the house cat or lap dog of any person on earth, whose would you choose to be? - Again, Chase Crawford.
10. Are there people you envy enough to want to trade lives with them? Who are they? - Prince William's girlfriend, or... Angelina Jolie
11. Would you donate one of your kidneys to a total stranger? - Probably not.
12. Think of all the things to be happy about. How many can you write down in 15 minutes? - A LOT.
13. You learn that a close friend is successful because of illegal activities. Would it change your relationship? Would you tell anyone else? - Depends on what kind of illegal activity. If it's really bad, yes to both. If it's something like compulsive jaywalking, duh.
14. We see many signs each day that say No Smoking, No Trespassing, No Pets, etc. If you could put an original “No _____” sign on your front door, what would it say? - "No Pretentious People."
15. Select a favorite food for every letter of the alphabet. - I'll do that tomorrow. I'm just on a one-hour break.
16. What is the strongest craving you get? - seafood, chocolate, steak
17. If you could choose the very last thing you would see before you die, what would it be? - A pretty sunset. How apt.
18. What is the one thing you'd most like to change about the world? - Violence in all forms.
19. How do you release frustration? - I smoke.
20. If you owned a store, what would you sell? - Foodies!!!
21. If you could commit one crime without being caught, what crime would you commit? - Please see Oceans 11. =D
22. Imagine that you wake up one morning and are handed five hundred dollars . . . and told that you must have it spent by midnight of that same day. You are also told that any tangible objects you buy, unless they are completely used up, will have to be given back at the stroke of midnight. How would you spend your cash? - Roughly Php20,000. Easy. Spend the day with a friend at the spa, eat good steak and seafood and drink decent wine. That's easily Php20,000.
23. What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? - Claudette's Tiramisu. =D
24. If you could eliminate any one type of insect permanently from the earth, what would you get rid of? - Cockroaches. Yuck yuck yuck.
25. Your friends start belittling a common acquaintance. If you felt their criticisms were unjustified, would you defend the person? - Probably.
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