Now I know browsing through Friendster was not a good idea. I'm in an oddly nostalgic state tuloy.
I've been getting in touch again with friends from way back. I'm talking Kindergarten, grade school, high school, WAY back. It's fascinating how much people can change in a few years. But it's sad that I've missed out on so much. As have they. And these are people I remember sharing really good moments with. People who bore witness to some of my worst and most embarrassing scenes. (Gawd.) And people I remember having shared so much of my life with. I know, I know, I'm being impossible again. But hey, it's raining outside. I have an excuse.
I just realized how many people I've NOT been seeing. Cutting someone off from my life, I inevitably and understandably ended up shutting out so many other people whom I'd much rather have back. It was a difficult choice I had to make, and may I add, took me a good couple of months to to decide on, and looking back, I know I was right to do what I did. I can't say life is much better now, but I'd have to admit I got a good end of THAT deal in the end. Well, in the objective sense, at least. All the "what-if" scenarios still cross my mind once in a long drawn-out while though. My friends are going to kill me for saying that. But hey, that's how it is. My life now is so different from what it was then I could be living in an entirely different universe. New friends. New school. New condo. New guy? Haha! I wish! I don't know WHAT it is exactly. This whole dating and relationship management thing is a huge hassle if there ever was one.
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