Friday, June 24, 2005

While you guys were in Transpo class... [the sequel]

1. The last movie you watched?
Finding Neverland. (and that was like 2 months ago!!!)

2. The last tv show you watched?
Insider. I wanted to see Dong Puno before I slept. Hehe!

3. The last song you heard?
That Kelly Clarkson song.

4. The last thing you bought?
Lechon Kawali from Ken Afford: dinner last night with Nico and Marie. =)

5. The last place you went to?
Sadly, the lib.

6. The last food you ate?
Winlaw pakain food. Yum yum! =)

7. The last thing you heard from your parents?
"Naglunch ka na? Love you. Ingat."

8. The last thing you said to your parents?
"Yes dad. Love you."

9. The last thing you said to one of your friends?
To Mario: "Yes, I'm cutting. Good luck, good luck!"

10. The last book you read?
School book: Evidence (Bautista)
Non-school book: Book 5 of A Series of Unfortunate Events

Who was:

1. The last person you called?
Mama, my bratita lola. =) Just checking on her.

2. The last person who called you?
Jen Ong. Can't remember what about...

3. The last person you texted?
Mario. =)

4. The last person who texted you?
Mario din. =) To tell me he wasn't feeling well and that he might not go to Transpo class. As it turned out, I ended up cutting, HE ended up going to class.

5. The last person who said good night last night?
Nobody said good night, I fell asleep while we were watching the evening news, and woke up panicking at 11am.

6. The last person who said i love you?
Si -ahem-. Hehe! Nah. Can't remember if it was Mama or my dad or Ate Shirley or Ate Tina.

7. The last person you wrote you a testimonial?
Mark Belmonte. Few months ago.

8. The last person who sent u a msg in friendster?
Yna Macasaet. To tell me her younger brother is in UP Law.

9. The last person you hugged?

10. The last person you saw on tv?
Dong Puno. Hehe! Fell asleep while we were watching the evening news.

Do You?

1. Believe that love is forever?
If it's real, yes.

2. Get hurt by people easily?
Sometimes. But I'm generally emotionally stable. ;p

3. Believe that all people are generally good?
Yep. It's still always a shock to hear about premeditated / spontaneous evil shenanigans. Seriously.

4. Can you be anyone you want to be?
I wish!

5. Do mean people make you sad?
Yes... =( And then I get mad.

6. Does ice cream make you happy?
Never fails. Ice cream, chocolate, and well, food in general.

7.Do you sing in the shower?
Yep. I play my favorite cd's and sing along while I'm in the shower. =)

8. When it rains, do you like to splash in the puddles?
Only when I'm appropriately dressed for the occasion, there are no pending trips / errands,and I like the person I'm with.

9. If you see a cute guy/girl walk down the street, do you smile and tell him/her that he/she is cute?
Nope. Who does?

10. Do you notice when people have beautiful eyes?
Yep. That and other things. I'm a sucker for smart eloquent guys who happen to have the right kind of voice and the right kinda humor. (Sigh!)

11. Have you ever cried at a movie?
Yep. Who doesn't diba?

12. Is it cute when old people are holding hands?
Awww... definitely!

13. Are you a happy person?
Generally, yes. But lately, no.

14. Do you tend not to worry even when you know something bad is about to happen?
Well, sometimes...

15. Is it fine to cut Barbie's hair?
No. I learned it the hard way when I was around 3. It is SO not a good idea to shampoo your Barbie's hair. And it is an even worse idea to cut it. It
does NOT grow back! And ugly hair is the worst curse ever. Even for a Barbie.

16. Have you ever laughed so hard that your stomach hurt?
Haha, yes! But I haven't had a good laugh in a while.

18. Are you slightly lazy?
Depends. When it comes to studying, yeah, kinda. But anything else, nope.

19. Do you like to drive with the windows down?
I have yet to REALLY learn to drive, although I did drive around Bel field a few times when I was in college. But I like sitting in the passenger seat when -ahem- is driving with the windows down. ;p

20. Are you in love?
I wouldn't call it that exactly... It's too soon and too much of an exaggeration.

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