Thursday, October 20, 2005

My first day out in a gazillion years

The other day, I set out for the distant land of Makati to spend a leisurely afternoon strolling around Rockwell with Mario and Lianne. After getting quite a shock awaking to people quarelling over the phone (Need I mention that it's extremely annoying to have one's slumber interrupted by cursing crazy people?), I decided I needed to get away from the world of perpetually warring lovers and get some fresh city air. After an oh-s0-unhurried bath (my favorite kind), with me singing to myself in the shower and all, I met up with Mario to have a quick lunch over at Jollibee before Lianne dropped by to pick us up.

We left for Rockwell sometime between 1 and 2pm. When we got there, we trooped over to the recently opened Zara where SeƱorita Lianne promptly went shopping. Hehe! Just kidding, Lianne. I found myself falling in love with suits and jackets and tops that went all the way down to heaven. =p Whew. Much MUCH MUCH better than Mango. For me, anyway. I find Zara a lot less pretentious. ANYWAY, after an uber long and drawn out hiatus from the cinema, I finally saw a movie: Dungeons and Dragons 2. Don't ask me how it was. I was so excited to see anything I would've been quite content watching Letters from a Killer (which, incidentally, is one of the worst movies EVER made). Mario, Lianne and I basically laughed through it all. It was hilarious in a post-final exams sort of way, which isn't saying much good about the movie. Lucky moi I wasn't quite in the mood to whine about a sucky movie, so I was smiling when we got out of Cinema 5. We walked over to Fully Booked where I again fell in love. There was a 2-volume compilation of all the Calvin and Hobbes comic strips ever made (at 7000 per), hordes of Batman comic books, an entire shelf on medieval history, and just when I thought I could not have possibly fallen more deeply in love, I chanced upon a one-volume compilation of The Chronicles of Narnia. After that, my fate was sealed. 840 for all 7 books, with all the original illustrations by Pauline Baynes. Phew! Despite the state of my finances at the moment, I could not have possibly let the chance pass me by. I was so giddy I was grinning all the way to the counter. The book didn't leave my side until the next afternoon when I got out of bed. Haaay... Kinikilig pa rin ako.

Anyhoo, we had a quick snack-slash-dinner in KFC, where Mario and I chanced upon yet another incompetent cashier (the first one was in Jollibee earlier). Quick trip to the supermarket so Mario could buy this new soap he discovered, then off to FIC to get some ice cream. And then we dropped Mario off at Jay's office. And Lianne and I got somewhat lost on the way back home. We made it through the rush hour traffic and back to my home sweet home (Loyola Heights) in about an hour. I bought my beloved new pet clothes (plastic cover, for the less inept), and promptly got started on my favorite task of dressing Aslan up. (I mean I love covering books, ayt?) All this before I had even changed out of my outside world clothes into my more comfy lounging around the condo outfit.

Ngangi and I watched a couple of soaps, then I met up with an old friend.

To be continued...

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