Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Officially on vacation =)

Hail, fire and brimstone, I'm FRRRREEEE!!! =)

First of all, YES, law school is that bad. Check my blockmates' comments to my last post. BUT they'll have to drag me out of Malcolm Hall kicking and screaming.

I submitted my last final exam around 11am today. Takehome final exam for Transpo. EXTRA LONG takehome exam, might I say. Took me all of oh, say, 10 hours to write. Roughly an hour per number, what with the thinking and hand stress involved. Gawd. But at least it's over. I'll just have to slug it out with myself until the grades are released. No security whatsoever til then.


In any case, I haven't gotten any sleep yet, but I'm not complaining. I slept til noon yesterday, got up to get ready to go to Coffee Bean Eastwood with Mario at 2-ish. Snagged 2 Gonuts Donuts (Pastillas de Leche and Choco-hazelnut. Yumyum! =) then headed over to our favorite caffeine-watering hole. As could have been predicted, our daily trek to Eastwood paid off yesterday. Mario and I were honored with the title Customers of the Week at Coffee Bean. Hehe! I have to go back to check if they've posted our picture already. We were both distraught with the thought of being mistaken as a couple though. Hello?!! Ano yun, lesbian action? Hehe! Mario really is my favorite guy in law school. He manages to put up with me even when I'm murderous / majorly PMS-ing, like yesterday. I managed to get zero work done in the two or three hours we were there. I basically just bored holes into my yellow pad, traipsed around the mall and people-watched. When I got home, I was so exasperated with myself I had given myself a migraine. I was literally breaking out in cold sweat, so I went straight to bed after watching the evening news and a couple of soaps to drive myself to sleep. I woke up feeling a teeny bit better around midnight at started working on my Transpo final exam. That thing is LOOOOOONG, I tell you. Roughly 20 questions. I filled up an entire blue book, both sides of all the pages (Well, almost.), and you know how small my handwriting is. By the time I finished 6 out of the 10 numbers, it was 7am. I decided to go to school early to meet up with Mario and just rush through the last 4 numbers in the lib.

So I was in school pretty early, 8am I think. The lib was basically deserted. Even the staff hadn't arrived yet. I breezed through the last 4 numbers in record time, given the number of yosi breaks I took in between paragraphs. Cut me some slack here, my hands aged 10 years overnight from writing. =p Anyhoo, I was done before lunch, so I took my time to wander around Malcolm aimlessly. Unfortunately for me, I ran into my nemesis: A.R. I am going to kill him someday, I swear to God. He makes up stories about this guy I've been hung up on FOREVER (I now call him The Protozoan. That single-celled asexual little twerp. Not very sure about my description of a protozoan here.), then when I start feeling bad, he takes them all back and makes up another story. Sometimes I just want to wring his neck out of sheer frustration.

After Oggs finally finished cramming his exam, Lianne, Chi, Oggs, Daisy, Mario and I headed off to Bento Box for a pseudo-celebration lunch. Everyone else went home after lunch. Daisy, Mario and I pretended to get some research done at the neighboring Econ lib. (I still haven't gotten the hang of saying "Econ". I'm more comfortable with "Eco"...) Mario and I made plans to go drinking but nobody else was interested so we both ended up hanging around law school for longer than we probably should have. After a bit of hesitation about where to leave our bags, we finally dumped them with Ria (and Al, Hardy, and Karra, who, incidentally were about to take their Property orals with Sir Labits. Which reminds me, he hasn't given me a grade yet...) and took a jeep to the nearest isaw place. Hello carcinogens! =p Yumyum. We did get a teeny bit of exercise walking back to Malcolm where we passed the time dreaming up obscene things to do if we could stop time. Hehe! Now THAT I can't tell. =p Jay picked us up just before it got completely dark. I didn't want to intrude on their moment, so I walked back to Prince David from Rustan's na lang.

Seems like I'm fated to be the eternal third wheel. Not that I don't like being with Mario and Jay. I love those two. It's just weird that I'm always the odd one out. Well, something like that. Kasi naman, The Protozoan is so difficult to read. Talk about mixed signals. And I'm the girl here. Allo? Anybody there? Ayayay...

So there. Lianne says Succession grades will be out tomorrow. Good grief.


  1. happy sembreak! (delayed na.)

    isn't it comforting to know that everything has to end sometime? with respect to cruel sems, at least. :)

  2. happy sembreak! (delayed na.)
    --> Thanks! I'm finally done with my Tax paper, so now I can lay my brain to rest. Hehe!

    isn't it comforting to know that everything has to end sometime? with respect to cruel sems, at least. :)
    --> I super agree with you!!!
