Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A must-read even for non-law people

Reading this again really made my day. I would have loved to just stay home and spend the day with my family, since all of them (minus the ones who have to go to work) are at my grandmother's... Hay... Oh well... I hope they all push their respective trips home to the weekend. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

[A.M. No. 2006-24-SC. November 14, 2006]
En Banc
Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution of this Court dated NOV. 14, 2006 .
A.M. No. 2006-24-SC ( Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. v. Mrs. Marilyn Puno Santiago and Jasmin Mateo)
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For consideration are the Verified Complaint/Letter- Affidavit dated August 25, 2006 and Verified Another/Supplementa l Complaint/Letter- Affidavit ( sic) dated September 1, 2006 filed by former Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. against two court personnel from the Office of Senior Associate Justice Reynato S. Puno of this Court.
While this Court, in cases of this nature, would normally have proceeded to a statement of relevant facts and allegations, it bears noting early on that the complaint is couched in such obscure language as to render that task very difficult, if not impossible.
Parenthetically, it may be recalled that, earlier this year, this Court, in Office of the Court Administrator v. Floro, [1] [1] relieved herein complainant of his duties as a trial judge. Cited among the grounds for his relief were complainant' s unusual beliefs which were "at odds with the critical and impartial thinking required of a judge under our judicial system." Thus, this Court noted:
Moreover, Judge Floro himself admitted that he believes in "psychic visions," of foreseeing the future because of his power in "psychic phenomenon." He believes in "duwendes" and of a covenant with his "dwarf friends Luis, Armand and Angel." He believes that he can write while on trance and that he had been seen by several people to have been in two places at the same time. . . . [2] [2] (Emphasis supplied)
Regrettably, the complaint displays vagueness of expression and want of logical thought that it may be described as bearing a trance-like character. Consider, inter alia, the following statement in the complaint:
"Respondents Jasmin Mateo's and Marilyn Puno Santiago's formidable Lust for Power and Glory --- brought them not to the Land of Fantasy, not to Never Land, not to the Island of the Fairies, but to the Enchanted Kingdom of the 3 Mystic and Healing Dwarves --- They would try anything just to . . . They wanted to look inside the CRYSTAL BALL of Luis Armand and Angel[.]" [3] [3] (Underscoring, emphasis, and ellipsis in the original)
The surreal frame in which the complaint was crafted is heightened by the several pictures, printed in full color, interspersed therein, none of which contributes to clearing the obscurity. In one page of the complaint, for instance, there are three pictures: two appear to be logos or seals bearing the Latin word "veritas," while the other seems to be a cover of a foreign religious comic book bearing the title "Veritas". [4] [4] While they almost fill up an entire page, the pictures appear to have no relevance other than complainant' s mention of the word "veritas" somewhere in the complaint.
Add to these pictures of clouds and flowers, icons of Mary and St. Peter, pictures of Mahatma Gandhi, Edu Manzano and Justice Sabino de Leon, the logo of a restaurant, a cartoon character, etc., and one would look at the complaint as more reminiscent of a dream-like stream of consciousness than a seriously drafted pleading for the Supreme Court, or any court of justice for that matter.
To consider the complaint any further would only waste precious time which this Court can more fruitfully devote to cases of significance and more pressing urgency.
The complaint must thus be dismissed outright.
WHEREFORE, the Verified Complaint/Letter- Affidavit dated August 25, 2006 and Verified Another/Supplementa l Complaint/Letter- Affidavit dated September 1, 2006 are DISMISSED.
Puno, J., no part.
Very truly yours,
Clerk of Court

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