Friday, April 07, 2006

A commentary on "Trial Practice: The Art of Survival" (by Atty. Theodore O. Te)

CAVEAT: Because people tend to take everything I say or write seriously, I'll state right here that this is not a critique of any sort. These are just the comments that popped into my head during the OLA Seminar. Nuff said.

Never do anything pro forma, i.e. Make it your own.

Wow, parang American Idol. Sure, sir. I'll be Mrs. Chris Daughtry. =p Hotttt.

(2) Take the hard case.

No problem. I'm a self-confessed masochist. I like stress. I just lose hair over it. And complain a lot. But I like it. Diff is, OLA involves other people too. Now that's the clincher.

(3) Try the case you love.

Meron ba nun.

(4) Do not take the case home.

Literally or figuratively? Either way, is it possible not to? OLA hasn't even started but it's already giving me nightmares.

(5) Never lie or cheat.

Teddy Te: Come to think of it, that's an irony.

No comment. I invoke my right to remain silent.

(6) Beware of young lawyers. (They're excited and they "overprepare".)

Note that this refers to young LAWYERS. Therefore, not to me. I'm a mere pheasant. (Yes, with an H. As in feather creature.) Duh. I'm an incoming senior with absolutely ZERO knowledge of anything law-related. Sheeeyet!!! Pwede mamatay na ako ngayon pa lang?!!

(7) Do not drink before 5.

A.M. or P.M.? In any case, any time is arguably after 5 (pm or am) of the previous day. Bwahaha! I need a beer. Or five. Or "5 beers and half a bottle of wine". For those not in the know, that's from Teddy Te's exercise.

(8) Do not take yourself too seriously.

Oh, I really don't. I'm a complete and utter fool. Honest. I know I know nothing.

(9) Do not read advance sheets only.
(10) But read the advance sheets as well.

I'll worry about it when I have to.

(11) Keep fit.

I did 5k last night. Yipeedoo. At least I burned .000001% of my food intake. It was fun though. I was supposed to play basketball with Sands, but I was too sweaty and sticky to even consider any physical activity aside from walking home and taking a long shower.

(12) Enjoy other interests.

(Copied from Friendster) Hobbies and Interests:
Apparently, law. =p Hmmm... movies (just not local teeny bopper flicks), music (just not country music), food (Filipino, Thai, JAPANESE!!!), shopping, my friends' (and other people's) lives, sharks (I'm not kidding.), good books, the intricacies of the remote control, new stuff, new people, stuff, people =p, highlighters, power staplers and other gadgets, people-watching, talking, taking long walks (preferably in the rain), procrastinating

(13) Talk to civilians. (Get other friends.)

Almost all my friends went to law school... And when we meet up with those who didn't, they inevitably end up asking us for legal advice and the like. Which I despise to infinity and beyond.

(14) Take vacations.

But lethargy bores me to tears... Well, more than 2 weeks anyway.

(15) Do not worry about just winning.

More worried about how not to appear like the fool that I am.

(16) Laugh a lot.

I did a lot of that today. Cf. Direct examination of Mr. Tahong who was subsequently cited in contempt, or alternatively declared a hostile witness and imprisoned in a tub of water inside the court room, for refusing to respond to counsel's questions.

(17) Always prepare.

Well, I've started buying clothes... Does THAT count?

(18) Take time to look good, you'll feel good too.

What if that's the only thing one's got going...a good outfit. Can you move for postponement on the ground that your outfit's too good to be sweated into in a steaming courtroom?

(19) Pray!

Oh, I intend to do a lot of that.

Hay OLA OLA OLA... Now I understand my friends' misery... Kill me kill me kill me.

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